
Interview (in Swedish, available as PDF) by Charlie Vince Jakobsson in Swedish art journal Paletten, no 334, Winter 2023-24. On criticism, Found Review, and Poems and Parables on the Political Utility of Art.

Michel Foucault, “Il faut défendre la société”. Cours au Collège de France. 1975-1976 “Samhället måste försvaras.” Stockholm: Tankekraft förlag, 2008. (Afterword by Karl Lydén.)

Michel Foucault, Le gouvernement de soi et des autres. Cours au Collège de France. 1982-1983 Styrandet av sig själv och andra. Stockholm: Tankekraft förlag, 2015. (Afterword by Karl Lydén.)
Contributions to Books

“The Speech of Things.” In Johanna Gustafsson Fürst, Inte det molnet / Not that Cloud. Stockholm: Mount Analogue, 2018

“Kritik av kynismen.” In Foucault och antiken, eds. Sven-Olov Wallenstein & Johan Sehlberg. Stockholm: Tankekraft förlag, 2017

“Therapy For A Pathological Capitalism.” In The Psychopathologies of Cognitive Capitalism, ed. Warren Neidich. Berlin: Archive Books, 2014

“Introduction.” In Eric M Nilsson: Apropå ord/Regarding Words. Lund: Lunds Konsthall, 2014

“From here to there.” In Nina Canell, To Let Stay Projecting As A Bit of Branch On A Log By Not Chopping It Off. Wien: Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig, 2010

“Knossos.” In Omkopplingar, eds. Cecilia Grönberg/Jonas (J) Magnusson. Göteborg: Glänta Förlag, 2006
Art Criticism

”Art in the Age of Black Power.” Exhibition review of Soul of a Nation: Art in the Age of Black Power, New York 14 September 2018 – 3 February 2019, in Kunstkritikk. Criticism and other texts published in Kunstkritikk 2011–2018: En/Sv. Image: Faith Ringgold, United States of Attica, 1971–1972.